- runs over udp ports 161/162 - non reliable
- Mangement information base- used to read/write variables in device config
- Network Management station (NMS) asks managed device the status of the MIB. This is called SNMP Polling
- Managed device may also report unsolicted events called SNMP Traps or informs - difference been informs require ack
3 main versions
v1- supports only community authentication
v2c- supports community authentication and views
v3- support users/groups - encryption and secure authentication
Configured as snmp-server community {string} {ro|rw} {acl}
community string
- clear text passwords for NMS to poll device
2 types of community strings
- read only
- read write
ACL defines who can poll device
SNMP Traps
Device reports unsolicted events to NMS
Reports could be
- unreliable- traps
- reliable- informs
- both are sent using UDP to port 162
Define events to trap
All traps
snmp-server enable traps
snmp-server enable traps {notification-type}
Define a host to send the traps to
all Enabled traps
snmp-server host "host addr community-string"
subset of enabled traps
snmp-server host " host add community-sting {notification type}
A common mistake is to define the hosts but not actual enable the traps globally i.e skipping
step 1
sh snmp ifmib ifindex - this is a good command to look at what assigned index was givn to a
particular interface. IFindex can change when new interfaces come on
line new interface include sub interface and loopback in order to
keep persistent values for assigned interfaces we can use the command
snmp=server ifindex persist
sh snmp mib- will give you a list of all possible mibs some are hard to decipher what they do
from the name there is snmp mib translator on the net to assist
3 main entites
Users- operators accessing the routers
Groups - group users access privilges is then asssigned to groups
Views - define subset of mib visible to groups
so it sort similar to windows group you put a user in a group and group then is assigned
access to the view
SNMPV3 Security
Access to mib is either
- unauthenticated/unencrypted - No AuthNoPRiv
- authenticated only - AuthnoPriv
- authenticated and encrypted - AuthPriv
SNMPv3 Traps
Support traps/informs
AUthentication model is different
Traps need to have a user associated
User credentials are used to authenticate
The nms need to implement authentication
Remote Monitoring
- used to monitor MIB variables
Monitoring has two components
- alarm
condition to trigger events
action to associate to alarm
normally a syslog/snmp trap
Rmon alarm defines how mib is sampled
you have 2 types
1) DELTA sampling- used for variables that accumalted like packet counter,crc errror these
vairiable never go down always up. Having just a value for these is not much use as it is
hard to decipher the time period the value was obtained. WHat delta gives you is the
difference in each time period so like if you get syslog saying you have had 6 crc errrors on
interface in the last 10 minutes is alot easier to act on then just getting you had 6 crc
_ difference between MIB value at time index a compared to time index B
- Used for values that only increase/accumalate
- Tracks rate of change for variable
-Sampling intervals define the time period
2) ABosulute sammpling- Is for exact match of the MIB at time of index A
You use this for values that are going go up and down and for variables that just given the
value at that specfic is going be useful for example
CPU Utilization memory utilization error % on interfaces size of routing table
Used for values that increase and decrease
The parser will not guide you to say you should use this variable with delta so you neeed to
look at it and think about it in general if it variable that just goes up - delta if it
variable that goes up and down- abosulute
First we will define our polling
we will define a subnet that has access
r4(config)#ip access-list standard EIGRP-SNMP
r4(config)#snmp-server community EIGRP-SNMP-COM ro EIGRP-SNMP
Next in global config we need to enable our traps
r4(config)#snmp-server enable traps ?
atm Enable SNMP atm traps
authenticate-fail Enable SNMP 802.11 Authentication Fail Trap
bgp Enable BGP traps
bstun Enable SNMP BSTUN traps
bulkstat Enable Data-Collection-MIB Collection notifications
cnpd Enable NBAR Protocol Discovery traps
config Enable SNMP config traps
config-copy Enable SNMP config-copy traps
cpu Allow cpu related traps
deauthenticate Enable SNMP 802.11 Deauthentication Trap
disassociate Enable SNMP 802.11 Disassociation Trap
dlsw Enable SNMP dlsw traps
dot11-qos Enable SNMP 802.11 QoS Change Trap
ds0-busyout Enable ds0-busyout traps
ds1 Enable SNMP DS1 traps
ds1-loopback Enable ds1-loopback traps
dsp Enable SNMP dsp traps
eigrp Enable SNMP EIGRP traps
entity Enable SNMP entity traps
envmon Enable SNMP environmental monitor traps
event-manager Enable SNMP Embedded Event Manager traps
firewall Enable SNMP Firewall tra
this is partial list we can enable traps based on specfic technologies etc rather than all
this would be for eigrp info
r4(config)#snmp-server enable traps eigrp
if i wanted all trap i would use the below
r4(config)#snmp-server enable traps
next we define the host to send traps to
r4(config)#snmp-server host EIGRP-SNMP-COM eigrp
so this server would be sent the traps for eigrp
sh snmp mib will show you all the preconfigured mibs availible to use
if we are looking at interfaces
r4#sh snmp mib ifmib ifindex
FastEthernet0/0: Ifindex = 1
Loopback0: Ifindex = 8
Null0: Ifindex = 5
Serial0/0/0: Ifindex = 3
Async2: Ifindex = 6
FastEthernet0/1: Ifindex = 2
Serial0/1/0: Ifindex = 4
Async18: Ifindex = 7
and we want to keep the index persistent for our logging of particular interfaces
r4(config)#snmp-server ifindex pers
FIrst we create our view
r4(config)#snmp-server view MYVIEW cisco included
create the group
r4(config)#snmp-server group MYGOUP v3 priv read MYVIEW
Create the user
snmp-server user MYUSER MYGROUP v3 auth md5 PASSWORD priv 3des SECRETKEY
so we have created a user who will be in the group MTGROUP with md5 authentication and
encyption of 3des
define a trap
r4(config)#snmp-server host trap version 3 auth MYUSER eigrp
OK i will do rmon on interface f0/1 for an alarm for if we get 1000 packets in 60 seconds
r4#sh snmp mib ifmib ifindex
FastEthernet0/0: Ifindex = 1
Loopback0: Ifindex = 8
Null0: Ifindex = 5
Serial0/0/0: Ifindex = 3
Async2: Ifindex = 6
FastEthernet0/1: Ifindex = 2
Serial0/1/0: Ifindex = 4
Async18: Ifindex = 7
r4#sh run
*Feb 24 13:11:08.895: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console| inc rmon
rmon alarm 1 ifOutUcastPkts.2 60 delta rising-threshold 1000 2 falling-threshold 1 3 owner
ok so this command is saying the first rmon alarm we will check interface output unicast
packets it is for the ifindex 2 so that is fa0/1 delta rising value is 100 packets so this
trigger it if this happens we will use alarm 2 the falling-treeshold is 1 packet and will
trigger alarm 3
we now need to define the event
r4(config)#rmon event 2 log description interface-fa0/1-over-100ppm
so for event 2 we will get a log saying interface-fa0/1-over-100ppm
for alarm 3
r4(config)#rmon event 3 log description interface-fa0/1-is-not-transmitting
r4#sh rmon alarms
Alarm 1 is active, owned by config
Monitors ifOutUcastPkts.2 every 60 second(s)
Taking delta samples, last value was 6
Rising threshold is 1000, assigned to event 2
Falling threshold is 1, assigned to event 3
On startup enable rising or falling alarm
*Feb 24 13:23:01.855: %RMON-5-RISINGTRAP: Rising trap is generated because the value of
ifOutUcastPkts.2 exceeded the rising-threshold value 1000
r4#sh rmon alarms
Alarm 1 is active, owned by config
Monitors ifOutUcastPkts.2 every 60 second(s)
Taking delta samples, last value was 1106
Rising threshold is 1000, assigned to event 2
Falling threshold is 1, assigned to event 3
On startup enable rising or falling alarm
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